
Setting up a Cyberark HA Vault Cluster - Part 4

Our Cyberark HAVault Cluster demo is almost finished.

We’ve configured our network, deployed 2 disks for SharedStorage and Quorum, and installed Vault_1.

In this post We’ll be installing Vault_2, our Node 2, and testing the HighAvailability feature.

1. Prepare Node 1

  1. Stop all Services in Node 1

    Cluster Vault Management
  2. The Cluster Vault Management should look like this

    Cluster Vault Management - Offline
  3. For Both Disks, SharedStorage and Quorum set them offline. The easies wai is running diskmgmt.msc » right-click on the disk » offline

    diskmgmt.msc - Node 1

2. Prepare Node 2

  1. Intall an instance of Cyberark HAcluster vault as described in last Post

  2. For Both Disks, SharedStorage and Quorum set them online

    diskmgmt.msc - Node 2
  3. Copy next files from the Operators folder in Node 1 to Node 2

    Files in the operator folder
  4. We need to take the VaultId from the file dbparm.ini from Node 1 and paste it in the dbparm.ini file on Node 1

    dbparm.ini Node 1
  5. We also need to do the same with the field server-id located in the my.ini file from Node 1 to Node 2. my.ini is the core database config file of the Vault, location is PrivateArk\Server\Database folder

    my.ini Node 1
Yes but why all this copy/paste ?
Basically, we’re telling to Vault installed in Node 2 to work with the configuration from Vault installed in Node 1. Remember we are using only one Database located in disk E:
  1. Run the Storage Manager utility to assign the correct role for each disk

    Storage Manager Utility
  2. Configure the Network Cluster Vault. Open the ClusterVault.ini file in the PrivateArk\Server\ClusterVault\Conf\ folder . We can import this config from Node 1 with the difference LocalNode will be

    Network Configuration Node 2
  3. Now we can start the clusted while monitoring the CAVaultManager.log file located in PrivateArk\Server\Logs

    Cluster Vault Log File
  4. Nodes can only be sitched from the Active Node. A successfull node switch should look like this

    Swaping Vault Service from Node 1 to Node 2

3. Conclusions

The installation process of a High Availability Cluster Vault ensures seamless functionality and security for critical systems. Key points to remember include:

  • Importance of thorough pre-installation planning –> Resources and Network.
  • Configuring redundancy to prevent service disruption.
  • Validating performance and failover capabilities.