Setting up a Cyberark HA Vault Cluster - Part 4
Our Cyberark HAVault Cluster demo is almost finished.
We’ve configured our network, deployed 2 disks for SharedStorage and Quorum, and installed Vault_1.
In this post We’ll be installing Vault_2, our Node 2, and testing the HighAvailability feature.
1. Prepare Node 1
Stop all Services in Node 1
The Cluster Vault Management should look like this
For Both Disks, SharedStorage and Quorum set them offline. The easies wai is running diskmgmt.msc » right-click on the disk » offline
2. Prepare Node 2
Intall an instance of Cyberark HAcluster vault as described in last Post
For Both Disks, SharedStorage and Quorum set them online
Copy next files from the Operators folder in Node 1 to Node 2
We need to take the VaultId from the file dbparm.ini from Node 1 and paste it in the dbparm.ini file on Node 1
We also need to do the same with the field server-id located in the my.ini file from Node 1 to Node 2. my.ini is the core database config file of the Vault, location is
Run the Storage Manager utility to assign the correct role for each disk
Configure the Network Cluster Vault. Open the ClusterVault.ini file in the PrivateArk\Server\ClusterVault\Conf\ folder . We can import this config from Node 1 with the difference LocalNode will be
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Now we can start the clusted while monitoring the CAVaultManager.log file located in
Nodes can only be sitched from the Active Node. A successfull node switch should look like this
3. Conclusions
The installation process of a High Availability Cluster Vault ensures seamless functionality and security for critical systems. Key points to remember include:
- Importance of thorough pre-installation planning –> Resources and Network.
- Configuring redundancy to prevent service disruption.
- Validating performance and failover capabilities.